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Terms & Conditions

The tours listed on this website are organized by The Adventure Gene Pty Ltd, hereafter referred to as The Adventure Gene. The Adventure Gene is not responsible for the quality of services provided by subcontractors, including but not limited to accommodation, transport and food. 

1) Inclusions

Details of what is included in each tour can be found in the ‘What’s Included’ section of each tour booking page.

2) Equipment and Gear

a) The Adventure Gene will provide specific gear and equipment as listed in the ‘What’s Included’ section of each tour.

b) Participants are responsible for the care and return of any equipment provided by The Adventure Gene. Any loss or damage may result in additional charges.

c) Participants must bring their own personal gear as specified in the pre-trip information provided by The Adventure Gene.

d) Pack weights are estimates and do not account for additional personal items you may bring (such as e-readers, personal medications, etc.).

3) Health and Fitness Requirements

a) Participants must ensure they are in good physical condition and capable of undertaking the physical demands of the tour prior to booking. 

b) Participants must inform The Adventure Gene of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications that may affect their ability to safely participate in the tour.   

c) The Adventure Gene reserves the right to request medical clearance from a doctor if there are any concerns about a participant’s health or fitness. 


Age requirements: 

Participants must be 18 years or older. Those over 65 years must get clearance from a doctor confirming their suitability to participate in the tour. 

4) Payment

All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD). A deposit of 10% per person is required when booking. The total balance is due 60 days before your trip departure date. All credit card transactions are subject to a 1.7% fee.

5) Booking Confirmation

Once The Adventure Gene has received your completed booking form and deposit, you will receive an email confirming your place on the tour is reserved. You will also receive a detailed document with information on preparing for your trip, as well as a waiver form and a link to a medical questionnaire. Once all forms have been completed and returned to The Adventure Gene, your place on the tour will be confirmed. You must return these completed forms to us within 2 weeks of receiving them via email. 

We reserve the right to refuse any booking based on the information provided. In the case of a group booking, the person making the booking is considered to have the authority to act on behalf of all group members. 

6) Minimum Numbers

All tours require a minimum number of participants to proceed. This varies based on the trip. At our discretion, we may choose to operate trips with lower numbers of participants or guides.

7) Alterations to Your Trip

At any time, The Adventure Gene reserves the right to alter your trip itinerary. This may be due to reasons such as weather, track or park closures, road conditions, or changes in suppliers.

8) Trip Cancellations and Force Majeure

If we need to cancel a trip, we will notify you at least 30 days before departure.

If we cancel your trip for reasons other than force majeure, we will give you the option to transfer to a different trip or receive a full refund (excluding transaction fees). 

If, at our discretion, we determine that a trip must be cancelled or changed before or during its operation due to force majeure events, no refunds or credits will be given as our Refund/Cancellation Policy does not apply. This includes natural disasters such earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, bushfires, and volcanic eruptions; man-made events such as war, riots, civil commotion, terrorism, strikes, labor disputes, government actions or decrees, and embargoes; environmental and health emergencies such as epidemics, pandemics, plagues, and severe weather conditions; technological events such as cyber-attacks and system failures; and other unforeseeable events.  

Should a tour be changed or cancelled for any reason, The Adventure Gene is not accountable or responsible for any supplementary costs incurred by you or your booking party. This includes non-refundable airline tickets or change fees. 

9) Changing Your Booking

If you wish to change your trip start date or transfer to a different trip, you must inform us more than 90 days before the trip departs.

A transfer can be made to a new date that is within 12 months from when you notified us of the change.

If you wish to cancel your booking and cannot transfer to another trip, the following cancellation fees apply.

60-90 days before departure: 25% of trip price

30-59 days before departure: 50% of trip price

15-29 days before departure: 75% of trip price

14 days or less before departure: 100% of trip price

After the trip has commenced, no refunds will be given for any unused services. Failure to make payments by the due dates may result in the cancellation of your booking.

10) Tour Guides

Our guides are highly professional and experienced personnel. They have the authority to make decisions that may impact your trip. This includes restricting your participation in certain activities, or removing you from the trip. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to follow your guides’ instructions at all times.

11) Risk

You acknowledge that The Adventure Gene tours involve greater risks than normal guided activities due to factors like remoteness, rough paths, weather changes, and physical exertion. You accept these risks, recognizing that they contribute to the unique satisfaction of the adventure. You also acknowledge that walking tracks and parks may occasionally be closed and that this may alter your tour itinerary.

12) Emergency Procedures

a) The Adventure Gene guides are trained in first aid and emergency response. Participants must follow the guides’ instructions in the event of an emergency. 

b) In the event of an emergency, evacuation may be necessary. The full cost of emergency evacuation will be borne by the participant and should be covered by their travel insurance. 

13) Environmental Responsibility

a) Participants must adhere to the principles of Leave No Trace, minimizing their impact on the natural environment. 

b) All waste must be carried out and disposed of appropriately. 

14) Photography and Media

a) The Adventure Gene may take photographs and videos during the tour for promotional and marketing purposes. Participants consent to the use of their images in such media unless they notify The Adventure Gene in writing prior to the tour. 

b) Participants are encouraged to take their own photographs and share their experiences, while respecting the privacy and preferences of other participants. 

15) Privacy Policy

a) The Adventure Gene respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. We collect, use, and disclose personal information solely for the safety and well-being of participants.

16) Complaints

If an issue arises, please inform your guides immediately. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact The Adventure Gene by email.

17) Contact with Us

By agreeing to these booking conditions, you consent to being contacted by us including via our newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

18) Jurisdiction

This agreement is governed by the laws of the ACT.

Terms and conditions updated on July 17, 2024.

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